Happy Halloween…or blessed Samhain if you celebrate! It’s my favorite day of the year; in part, because it’s also my wife’s birthday. But fall is my favorite season, and no day seems to sum up autumn better than Halloween.
How’s the Writing Going?
It hit me last Tuesday that I hadn’t written an update about the previous week. It became a busy week at work, and there wasn’t much to say other than, “Still writing…”
This week, things are more clear…which is good because it’s almost November, and I’d like to release “In Cypress Cove” on the 26th. (Or even earlier that week so people in the U.S. have something to listen to if traveling for Thanksgiving.)
The problem with the story is not really a problem — just decisions to be made. Because there are jumps in time, I’m working at making those leaps not seem jarring. But for those who insist all writing must be shown…time in fiction can be a funny thing. Sometimes, to show things develop can be boring (“While the story is waiting for THIS to occur, everybody worked and did normal things…and this is not very interesting to read…”).
Sometimes small info dumps are vital, and seeing which storylines matter most need to be decided.
“In Cypress Cove” could easily be a novel. But it’s a short story. So, I’ve been writing random scenes, and this week things have come together. (Now, it’s a matter of filling in the gaps and some editing.)
What Else Is Up?
Not a whole lot of other things going on. Work and writing have kept me busy…and just the usual hanging out with loved ones and enjoying cooler mornings in North Texas. Hell, it was 38F yesterday morning, even though it climbed into a “cool” mid 70s on a sunny afternoon I know a lot of people loved…but I look forward to complete cooler days on the horizon.
I guess, since it’s Halloween, if you’ve not listened to “The Hidebehind,” it’s a good day to do so. Also, if you’re doing NaNoWriMo this year, be mighty, and have fun!
Other than that, all I’ve got are some food pics…

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