Hello, this is Christopher. Except for the time I took a bit of a hiatus and explained it, here, I’ve never used Not About Lumberjacks to update listeners about things going on with me. It’s always been stories and the Behind the Cut follow-up for the stories.
But there are some cool things going on that I thought I’d share. I’ll keep it short.
I’m mostly recording this to let everyone know that today (October 12), I’m on the ScreamQueenz podcast with Michael Howie and the show’s host, Patrick Walsh, discussing the [not-so] horror film, Dave Made a Maze. Not About Lumberjacks listeners will recognize Michael Howie as the narrator for last November’s lumberjack story that was NOT about lumberjacks, “The Hidebehind.” So why were we on the ScreamQueenz podcast?
Every October, Patrick runs a Pod-o-Thon benefitting New Alternatives NYC, which assists homeless LGBTQ+ youth. If you’re so inclined, there’s a link to the fundraiser in the notes, or you can go to fundraise.newalternativesnyc.orq/sq to donate. And if listening to three bearded guys talking about a very fun movie is your thing, go to screamqueenz.com – and that’s a z after screamqueen – or click the link in the notes. It’s a fun episode, and you don’t need to have seen the movie to enjoy it.
In other news, I’m in the process of reading the first readable draft of my novel, A Magic Life. You may recall hearing the first chapter posted on Not About Lumberjacks; if not, I’ll include a link in the notes. It’s always good when you reread something you’ve written and love it more than you expected. I look forward to passing it off to some first-line readers soon.
And while work on the novel continues, work on stories for Not About Lumberjacks rolls on…at least for the next good handful of months. Were I one inclined to call a block of episodes a season, I might go as far as saying the new season of Not About Lumberjacks is about to begin.
Later this month, it’s not a Halloween story, but it IS a story about a monster. Booger is about a kid who makes a goopy monster in his bathtub…and all the mayhem that follows.
In November, I’m not sure if it will be another one-shot audio drama like Strange Audio from a couple years ago, or just a narrated story, but I hope for a self-contained (and ridiculous) audio drama called Waking the Lumberjack. Keeping with the November tradition of stories NOT about lumberjacks in honor of the show’s anniversary, it’s an over-the-top story about tag team wrestlers attending a funeral unlike any other.
Last December’s multiple super-short short stories seemed to be a hit, so this December will see a collection of micro fiction again…including a Christmas tale of some sort.
January will FINALLY make Not About Lumberjacks listener Tim Czarnecki happy with the release of the post-apocalyptic office story I’ve been talking about for almost a year! Alive in HQ is about an office worker left to pick up the pieces at corporate headquarters following the end of the world as we know it.
I have a few other stories waiting to be recorded, and several stories in various states of progress. Off the top of my head, something that I found that’s even older than Memorial Park. It’s rather dismal. There’s an FBI procedural about a circus. And I hope you’ll understand if I go on a bit of a literary kick early next year as I shop around A Magic Life.
Wow…this ended up longer than I expected. The good thing is there’s a steady stream of Not About Lumberjacks coming. Until then, I hope you’ll consider donating to New Alternatives, and I hope all is going well with you.
As always, thank you for listening. And…
Until next time, be mighty…and keep your axes sharp!